Jul 14, 2018 | Data Science, Data Security, Media Publications, Read, Technology
We’re bringing information and devices online at an unprecedented rate, raising one of the fundamental questions of our time: how do we represent ourselves in this digital world that we are creating? And more importantly, how do we secure our identity in a digital world? We’ve heard about blockchain for currencies and smart contracts, a compelling and crucial application is in securing online identity.
May 21, 2018 | Data Science, Data Security, Videos, Watch
WiDS is a global conference movement and community, taking place in 120+ locations during the month of March 2018. The presentation Flight to Mars by Dr. Adriana Marais ( Head of Innovation SAP Africa) was the keynote speech at the WiDS Conference in Walldorf, March,...
May 3, 2018 | Cryptography, Data Security, Media Publications, Read, Technology
Over the past few hundred thousand years, a new species has emerged – one that is rapidly and inexhaustibly producing huge volumes of data of their own: humans, says Adriana Marais, head of innovation at SAP Africa.